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Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson (Dicks: The Musical)

Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson (Dicks: The Musical)

Popcorn Podcast chats with the outlandish and hilarious Josh Sharp and Aaron Jackson about Dicks: The Musical, A24's first musical feature adapted from the pair's long-running off-OFF-Broadway production F*cking Identical Twins. In this special Popcorn Podcast interview, the comedy-duo share the validation that tickled them pink when Sandra Oh and The Daniels watched Dicks: The Musical, discuss how the film is perverse in a “good way”, revel in how “brave” they were to play straight men as gay men, and we take a deep dive into who the fuck the Sewer Boys are – plus how on earth they hoodwinked icons Nathan Lane and Megan Mullally to be involved. We hope you enjoy this riotously funny Popcorn Podcast episode.

Listen to the full episode above and follow Popcorn Podcast on your preferred podcast platform for more

Ahmed Mawas (Rescuing Christmas)

Ahmed Mawas (Rescuing Christmas)

